"The Fulfillment of the Festival" - John 7:1-52
/Pastor Matt preaches on Jesus as the substance and fulfillment of the symbols and celebration at the Festival of Booths, and what that means for those who are thirsty.
Browse past sermons at Seven Hills below. For full worship service recordings, check out previous and upcoming Sunday live streams on our YouTube channel.
Pastor Matt preaches on Jesus as the substance and fulfillment of the symbols and celebration at the Festival of Booths, and what that means for those who are thirsty.
Rev. Bradley Barnes (of Christ the King Newton) guest preaches on the grace of Jesus to go after his people and feed them.
Pastor Matt preaches on Jesus proclaiming himself as the Bread of Life, the One who satisfies and gives life to the world.
Pastor Matt preaches on the signs of Jesus feeding the crowd and walking on water, and how the point to him as the True Deliverer, bringing the True and better Exodus, by setting us free from our greatest enemies.
Pastor Matt preaches on how the resurrection changes everything for Mary Magdalene and the disciples, and for us today as well, giving us hope in a world under the shadow of death.
On Palm Sunday, Pastor Matt preaches on the implications of Jesus's identity, if indeed he is telling the truth about who he is.
Pastor Peter Scheidt preaches on the story of Jacob blessing Jospeh and his two sons, on eyes that see the Lord and hands that have been taught not to grasp, but to bless.
Pastor Moses Park guest preaches on God's joyful heart to love, seek after, and rescue sinners.
Pastor Matt continues the series in the Gospel of John by looking at Jesus healing those who, apart from him, have no hope of wholeness.
Pastor Nathan Barczi guest preaches on seeing and believing in the surprising Jesus as he truly is.