"The Promise of the Holy Spirit" - John 16:4b-15
/Guest preacher Keith Riddle (Youth and Children's Director at Christ the King Dorchester) preaches on the work of the Holy Spirit as our Advocate.
Browse past sermons at Seven Hills below. For full worship service recordings, check out previous and upcoming Sunday live streams on our YouTube channel.
Guest preacher Keith Riddle (Youth and Children's Director at Christ the King Dorchester) preaches on the work of the Holy Spirit as our Advocate.
Rev. Moses Park (Pastor of Christ the King Dorchester) guest preaches on the fourth Sunday of Advent on why Jesus had to come and suffer - for us, to bear the burden of our sin.
Rev. Travis Drake, Pastor of Christ the King Cambridge, guest preaches on the second Sunday of Advent about Christ coming to be the Servant for the whole world.
Pastor Nathan Barczi (Christ the King Church, Newton) guest preaches in the Genesis series, looking at Jacob's face to face reconciliation with Esau, which could only come after he had met the Lord face to face to see how the Lord had reconciled him to Himself.
Rev. Solomon Kim (RUF Pastor at MIT) guest preaches on the humility of Christ in becoming poor, a slave, willing to wash his disciples feet, and die on a cross.
Brown University RUF Pastor Travis Hutchinson guest preaches on Jonathan's covenant loyalty to David, the true King, and what it shows us about our loyalty to Jesus, our true King.
Pastor Moses Park (Christ the King Dorchester) guest preaches on the last couple verses of Psalm 23, on the image of the Lord being our host and friend in the presence of defeated enemies.
Keith Riddle, Director of Children and Youth Ministry at Christ the King Dorchester, guest preaches in the Gospel of John series on the extravagant gift of love Mary of Bethany gave to Jesus for his impending death.
Pastor Nathan Dicks (Campus Minister with RUF at Boston University) guest preaches on how the Lord provides often by way of the most unexpected means and timing.
Pastor Nathan Barczi (Christ the King Newton) guest preaches on the the God who sees two unseen women and is faithful to keep his promises.