Spring Bible Study - Wednesdays 8 pm - 10 pm

We’re hosting a spring Bible study on the Beatitudes (using this book by John Stott), and everyone is welcome to join! We’ll have two groups, each meeting every other Wednesday at 8pm, starting February 26 (Group A) and March 5 (Group B). Each group will meet four times and conclude just before Easter. Group A, led by Tim Wiggin, will meet in Arlington Heights. Group B, led by Paige Van Norstrand, will meet in Porter Square.
For more details, feel free to email Paige or Tim. We’d love to see you there!

Ash Wednesday Services - March 5 at 7am and 7pm

Our friends at City on a Hill Somerville invite us to join them for a simple Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday, March 5, at either 7:00 AM or 7:00 PM. The services will be held at their multi-purpose meeting space, located at 324 Broadway Ave, Somerville. For more details, visit: coahsomerville.org/events-entry/2025/3/5/ash-wednesday. For questions, contact Pastor Matt.

Girls’ Night! - Friday, March 7th, 5 PM - 8 PM

Elementary girls are invited for a Girls' Night Sleep Under at Alana and Christine Stone’s house! A Sleep Under has all the fun of a slumber party—only you get to go home and sleep in your own bed at the end of the night! Wear your pajamas, slip on your coziest slippers, and bring your favorite lovey for a night of fun! We’ll do crafts, paint nails, eat pizza, watch a movie, and more. This is a drop-off event. If your daughter needs a ride, please reach out to our Youth Ministry Director Christine—we’ll make sure she gets to join the fun!

Women’s Fellowship - Friday, March 28 @ 8 PM

Women are invited to join us for a casual evening together. Come for the snacks, stay for the engaging conversation...or vice versa! Friends/neighbors welcome. This event will be hosted at the home of Adriana in Arlington. For Details/RSVP, contact Paige.

Celebrating Easter at Seven Hills:

  • Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday, April 12 at 10am at Shannon Beach

  • Palm Sunday Worship - Sunday, April 13 at 10:30am

  • Good Friday Tenebrae Service - Friday, April 18 at 7:30pm

  • Easter Sunday Worship - Sunday, April 20 at 10:30am

Details to come!

Coming Up

Looking Ahead

“Grounded Here” Parenting Conference - Saturday, May 17 from 9 AM - 2:30 PM

Hope Fellowship Church in Cambridge is hosting a one-day parenting conference on Saturday, May 17, from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM. The theme is "Identity in Christ for the Next Generation," featuring keynote speaker Jonathan Holmes, author and biblical counselor. Find Details & Registration here.

Men’s Camping Overnighter - May 25 - 26

Men of the church, save the date for a camping trip at Otter River State Forest! This Memorial Day weekend, we're heading to North Central Massachusetts for some fresh air, fun, fellowship, and an overnight stay (Sun-Mon) under the stars. Stay tuned for details on time & location, what to bring, ride-sharing, and more info.

Save the Date! Kids’ Summer Adventure 2025 - July 14 - 18, 2025. 9am-12pm

At our exciting week-long annual summer program, there will be five mornings of fun games, creative crafts, captivating skits, solid lessons, tasty snacks, great music, new friends, and more as we learn more about God together! Kids ages 3 years old through 5th grade (completed), this camp is for you! Youth (6th grade and up) and adult volunteers, mark your calendars! More details, theme announcement, and registration links to come this Spring!

Kids’ Summer Adventure (KSA) is a collaboration of Seven Hills and City on a Hill Church Somerville, taking place at CoAH (404 Broadway, Somerville, MA).

Joining Seven Hills

Interested in making Seven Hills your church home? We are always welcoming new members! If you have questions or would like to learn more about exploring church membership and what that means, please speak with or contact Pastor Matt or Paige Van Norstrand.

Friday Morning Prayer

Fridays, 6:30am-7:00 (Zoom link)

Seven Hills Church is committed to living out our devotion to God through the reality of prayer as we live in day-by-day dependence upon Him for all things. All are welcome any Friday to come pray together (in spirit, or aloud as you are comfortable) in response to Scripture, for our church, its impact in our city, and specific requests from our community. Please contact Matt Owens or Paige Van Norstrand anytime for prayer requests. Join us on Zoom starting 9/16: Friday Morning Prayer

Sunday Serving

Serving on Sundays can be a wonderful way not only to bless the church with your personal gifts and your time, but also to get to know others in our community! Our ministry teams are always seeking additional volunteers to help occasionally with Sunday worship services, in roles including Vocalists, Instrumentalists, Audio-visual Operators, Teachers, Classroom Assistants, Nursery Helpers, Set-up or Clean-up, Offering Ushers, Scripture Readers, and Liturgists. We welcome all levels and abilities, and experience is not necessary. To learn more about current volunteer needs in the church and consider ways you may be able to help, check out Serving in the Church or contact a team leader below.

Join the Finance Team

The Seven Hills Finance Team is seeking 2-3 more people (especially women and newer members/attenders) to serve on the team this year. Contact Luke Stone, SHPC Treasurer, to learn more about what serving on this committee entails and find out how you can help!