"The Suffering Servant" - Isaiah 52:13-53:12
/Rev. Moses Park (Pastor of Christ the King Dorchester) guest preaches on the fourth Sunday of Advent on why Jesus had to come and suffer - for us, to bear the burden of our sin.
Browse past sermons at Seven Hills below. For full worship service recordings, check out previous and upcoming Sunday live streams on our YouTube channel.
Rev. Moses Park (Pastor of Christ the King Dorchester) guest preaches on the fourth Sunday of Advent on why Jesus had to come and suffer - for us, to bear the burden of our sin.
Rev. Moses Park (Pastor of Christ the King Dorchester) guest preaches on our illusion of control, and how we can know the freedom to surrender to a loving Father.
Pastor Moses Park (Christ the King Dorchester) guest preaches on the last couple verses of Psalm 23, on the image of the Lord being our host and friend in the presence of defeated enemies.
Pastor Moses Park guest preaches on God's joyful heart to love, seek after, and rescue sinners.
Rev. Moses Park of Christ the King Dorchester guest preaches on how God's grace not only saves, but shapes us to look more like Christ.