"The Suffering Servant" - Isaiah 52:13-53:12
/Rev. Moses Park (Pastor of Christ the King Dorchester) guest preaches on the fourth Sunday of Advent on why Jesus had to come and suffer - for us, to bear the burden of our sin.
Browse past sermons at Seven Hills below. For full worship service recordings, check out previous and upcoming Sunday live streams on our YouTube channel.
Rev. Moses Park (Pastor of Christ the King Dorchester) guest preaches on the fourth Sunday of Advent on why Jesus had to come and suffer - for us, to bear the burden of our sin.
Rev. Travis Drake, Pastor of Christ the King Cambridge, guest preaches on the second Sunday of Advent about Christ coming to be the Servant for the whole world.
In the first Sunday of Advent, Pastor Matt begins the Advent series in the "Servant songs" of Isaiah, "Servant for the World / Savior in the Dirt," by identifying the Servant, what he will accomplish, and how he will bring it about.
Pastor Nathan Barczi (Christ the King Church, Newton) guest preaches in the Genesis series, looking at Jacob's face to face reconciliation with Esau, which could only come after he had met the Lord face to face to see how the Lord had reconciled him to Himself.
Pastor Matt continues the sermon series looking at God's relentless grace in the life of Jacob from the book of Genesis. In this passage, we see that God loves us too much to leave us unchanged - He will humble and lame in order to ultimately bless us and lift us up.
Pastor Matt continues the sermon series on God's relentless grace in the life of Jacob from the book of Genesis. This sermon is the second part of considering the devastating effects of idolatry on the lives of the characters, but how God specializes in taking ugly messes we make and using them for good.
Pastor Matt continues looking at God's relentless grace in the life of Jacob, from the book of Genesis. This week, the passage shows us the restless search and elusive nature of satisfaction in this life, and where we might ultimately go to drink deeply of true satisfaction.
Pastor Matt continues looking at God's grace in the life of Jacob from the book of Genesis, by seeing how God in his graciousness comes down to meet us in our helplessness, shown to Jacob through a dream of a stairway to and from heaven, to which Jesus later compares Himself.
Pastor Matt continues the sermon series in Genesis by looking at how we all need to receive life-giving words of blessing, and how we ultimately find the blessing of our Father through the work of the Son and Spirit.
Pastor Matt returns to Genesis for round 3 of the Genesis narratives, beginning the narrative of God's relentless grace in the life of Jacob.