"The Fountain of Life" - John 4:1-42
/Pastor Matt continues the series on John's gospel by looking at Jesus's calling the Samaritan woman to find life in him.
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Pastor Matt continues the series on John's gospel by looking at Jesus's calling the Samaritan woman to find life in him.
Pastor Matt continues the series on John by looking at how John's Christ-centered disposition helps us gain a right view of ourselves and Jesus.
Pastor Nathan Barczi guest preaches in the gospel of John series on the intersections of light and darkness, God's love and judgment.
Pastor Matt preaches on Jesus's zeal for his Father's honor and his people's redemption, as Jesus cleanses and replaces the temple.
Pastor Matt preaches on how Jesus turning water into wine shows us what Jesus came to bring (joy), how he came to bring it (by his death and resurrection), and what this means for us.
Pastor Matt preaches on Jesus' invitation to come and see, to follow, and to see greater things than you can imagine.
** This video loses sound right at 14 minutes in for about 45 seconds. Then the sound resumes and is fine.
Pastor Matt preaches on what can free us from our default setting of self-centeredness and give us an accurate and humble view of ourselves that leads to loving God and neighbor.
Pastor Matt begins the series on the gospel of John by looking at the wonder and uniqueness of the incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Matt preaches on how Jesus fulfills all the legends and stories, and all our longings for the perfect king.
Pastor Matt gives a homily on the meaning and spirit of Christmas at the Christmas Day service.