"The Suffering Servant" - Isaiah 52:13-53:12
/Rev. Moses Park (Pastor of Christ the King Dorchester) guest preaches on the fourth Sunday of Advent on why Jesus had to come and suffer - for us, to bear the burden of our sin.
Browse past sermons at Seven Hills below. For full worship service recordings, check out previous and upcoming Sunday live streams on our YouTube channel.
Rev. Moses Park (Pastor of Christ the King Dorchester) guest preaches on the fourth Sunday of Advent on why Jesus had to come and suffer - for us, to bear the burden of our sin.
Rev. Travis Drake, Pastor of Christ the King Cambridge, guest preaches on the second Sunday of Advent about Christ coming to be the Servant for the whole world.
In the first Sunday of Advent, Pastor Matt begins the Advent series in the "Servant songs" of Isaiah, "Servant for the World / Savior in the Dirt," by identifying the Servant, what he will accomplish, and how he will bring it about.
Pastor Matt preaches on how God's promise to undo all the brokenness in the world became a person at Christmas.
Pastor Matt continues the Advent in Isaiah series, preaching on Christmas Eve on the hope we have through the Child who brings light, joy, wonder, and peace.
On the second week of Advent, Pastor Matt continues the Advent in Isaiah series by looking at what happens when we truly see the living God, in all his glory and grace, when the Lord becomes a reality in our lives.
On the first Sunday of Advent, Pastor Matt begins the Advent with Isaiah series, preaching on the vision the Lord gave Isaiah of the end, and how it strengthens our lives in the present.
Pastor Matt continues the Advent series with a psalm for those whose weeping shall turn to rejoicing.
On the second Sunday Advent, Pastor Matt preaches on a psalm for those who wait, describing what it means to wait on the Lord and how we are able to wait with hope.
Preaching: Rev. Nathan Dicks, RUF Campus Minster at Boston University