Dear Seven Hills Church Family and Friends,

Grace and Peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ


During our service this past Sunday, I announced that I have accepted a call to become the new Senior Pastor at City Church (PCA) in East Nashville, TN. My work at Seven Hills Church will continue for the next several weeks and will conclude with a final message on Sunday, May 30th. I will take up my new responsibilities at City Church on August 1, after attending to the details necessary to our move and the transfer of my credentials into Nashville Presbytery.

On Sunday evening, May 2, we will be having an informational zoom meeting led by elder Dave Van Norstrand. Then, on Sunday, May 16th, we will have a congregational meeting immediately following our in-person church service with a Q&A time and a vote (both in-person and online) to dissolve my call and elect a pastoral search committee. In the days to follow, your church leaders will be sending out further important information about these meetings, next steps, and the upcoming search for a new lead pastor for SHPC. Please be on the lookout for these communications. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Moreover, let’s commit all of this to the Lord Jesus Christ, the head of the Church who will guide and direct us at this time.

Thank You

My friends, I am so very thankful for the immense privilege and gift you have given me in serving as your pastor over the past eight and a half years. It has truly been one of the great honors of my life to have been allowed to be a part of your lives.....both in good times and bad, seasons of joy and sorrow. Through all of this, your love, prayers, correction, and encouragement have meant so very much to both me and Kelly. Moreover, you have helped me grow as a Pastor and, more importantly, as a follower of Jesus. This church community has made an incredible impact on my heart and I am so deeply grateful.

Why Have We Made This Decision?

It is understandable, after an announcement such as this, that many of you may be wondering why Kelly and I made this decision. Two big reasons stand out, both of which I noted on Sunday.

First, looking back over the past eight and a half years, I can honestly say to you that I believe that I have ‘left it all on the field’ and that I sought to serve you and this church with every ounce of energy I could offer, however imperfect and lacking my efforts may have been at times. But, over the past several months Kelly and I have become increasingly convinced that Seven Hills Church is about to enter into an important time of renewal. Seasons of renewal are exciting opportunities for church communities to come together and develop a fresh sense of vision, mission, and purpose. We believe that this is going to be a wonderful time in the life of this church. However, after a great deal of prayer, tears, and reflection we have come to the conclusion that SHPC needs a new leader to guide you through this process and into the next chapter of the life of this community. It is hard for a pastor to admit that someone else is needed to offer new energy, gifts, and perspective to his church (especially when he is the one who planted the church). However, this is something I have had to face and accept. There is always more work to be done and it is time for another leader to help this beautiful church do that work.

Secondly, my parents are getting older and moving to Nashville will allow us to live much closer to them during the final years of their lives.

These reasons, coupled with a growing sense that the Lord is calling us to a new ministry, prepared us for the unexpected invitation to consider serving at City Church East Nashville.

Further Clarification of Our Decision (False Reasons)

Whenever a Pastor accepts a new call there is almost always some thought that he is leaving under duress or that he thinks something is wrong or lacking where he has been serving. Some may even wonder if he was pressured to go by others. Let me assure you that these narratives are most assuredly not true in our case.

First, Kelly and I deeply love all of you and this church. We cannot emphasize this enough. This decision was made only after a great deal of prayer, tears, and earnest seeking of the Lord’s will. Moreover, we love Somerville and are so grateful that the Lord called us to serve here. Our bonds of affection for you and this community are real and true and we are incredibly sad to leave. Only an unmistakable summons from our God would budge us from you at this time.

Second, no one here has suggested we go. On the contrary, we’ve received nothing but support and kindness from the members and leaders of this church. I love the people I work with every day. Throughout my service here, I’ve been given the great joy of working with an extraordinary and godly team of elders, deacons, deaconesses, staff, interns, and fellow-pastors. In many cases, we have become not only colleagues but friends. These friendships are deep and they are relationships that will endure across the years and miles.

As a result, if someone suggests to you that our decision to accept a new call was somehow rooted in unspoken unhappiness or unseen conflict, you can confidently refute that assertion. This was simply a matter of what kind of leader we believe Seven Hills Church needs at this time and what kind of service we believe Jesus is calling us to in the years Kelly and I hope to have left in ministry.

What’s Next

I truly believe the best days of Seven Hills Church are yet ahead and I cannot wait to see what God is going to do through you for the advancement of His Kingdom. God is at work among you and has given you the graces you need for this moment.

Looking ahead, I know God has already chosen a great new Pastor for SHPC and he will have my heart and prayers. I am praying for him even now and I would invite you to join me in this effort.

Final Requests

First, I humbly ask you to please forgive my many faults and sins. In this present world, all shepherds are sheep and those who have been given the calling of preaching forgiveness are often the ones who need that forgiveness the most. So if I have sinned against you in any way, please forgive me.

Second, I would ask that you continue to pray for our family during this season of change. Please, ask the Father to grant us Christ’s peace during this transitional period and the grace needed to make us fruitful in Christ’s service for the sake of the Gospel.

Finally, I would encourage you that this is a time for each of you to step into service at SHPC with a renewed sense of commitment and love. There is much to do and all SHPC members will need to work together in humble, gracious love to move forward wisely and well. This community has a beautiful core group of deeply committed leaders. Therefore, I ask that you make every effort to pray for them, encourage them, and support them in their work and efforts through this transitional time.

And now, “May the Lord bless you and keep you; may he make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; may he lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”

With deepest thanks and love, David Richter